Robsten Quotes

 Here you can find some Robsten quotes, enjoy it !

“Be healthy and f*ck everyone.” Kristen Stewart

“I can’t be anyone but myself, man.” Kristen Stewart

“It’s okay to not to be okay.” Kristen Stewart

“You better not mess with me because I take myself very seriously.” Kristen Stewart

“You build a perimeter of people that are really important to you.” Kristen Stewart

“I wish I didn’t have to show up in these dresses - we look like demi-gods when we show up. I want to be able to run around and not have my feet feeling like they’re going to fall off.” Kristen talking about dressing up for premieres and events

“I hate when they say I don’t give a sh*t, because nobody cares more than I do. I’m telling you, I don’t know anybody who does this that gives a sh*t more than I do.”
Kristen Stewart

“It’s insane! Once somebody finds out, you have to get the hell out of wherever you are. People freak out. And the photographers, they’re vicious. They’re mean. They’re like thugs. I don’t even want to drive around by myself anymore. It’s f*cking dangerous!.” Kristen talking about her life.

“I’ve seen him in the movie… he’s really good in the movie. It’s hard to talk about your friends - about anybody that’s close to you that you know. It’s like, he’s everything I know he is. I know he can do any film. Living is so wrapped up in who you are as an actor, not everybody can play every part. He is really strong in the movie. Maybe that’s different… maybe people won’t really expect that, he’s quite bold, which is great.” Kristen talking about Rob’s performance in Remember Me.

“Sometimes I like to play my own trumpet to keep up sexual tension.” Robert Pattinson

“Kristen is the best actress of our generation.” Robert Pattinson

“When I was flying to Rome, we flew over London; I felt like bursting into tears. It’s a part of me, so I can’t leave London behind for good.” Robert Pattinson

“Kristen really cares about me. I’m very grateful for this. She’s the most honest and genuine person I’ve ever met. She always listens and gives good advice regardless of her own interests.” Robert Pattinson

“I always get carried away when I’m kissing. I just go nuts! Walking away after if the strangest moment for me. It’s embarrassing - not knowing what to say to each other.” Rob talking about on-screen kissing

“I guess we definitely had a strange dynamic, like I didn’t feel like, I mean I was just quite intimated by her, and it was weird and at the same time I was like ‘You’re younger than me, you can’t intimidate me’.” Robert Pattinson

"She made these like loquat... crumbles... The best thing I've ever tasted.” Rob talking about Kristen’s pies.

“Kristen and I have a special bond together, she is the sweetest, smartest and strongest girl I know. If we have a relationship, I would rather not say because my words get twisted around too much and can be ‘old news’ by the time this interview is printed.” Robert Pattinson